Blossoms shown in above photo are from one of our Lemon Meyer Trees
Our citrus sells fast and we wanted to write a short little blog post about some of the varieties we're offering this spring. Availability varies from year to year and quantities are limited. Most commercially available citrus is grafted, be sure to read about the different rootstocks as well.
This spring we're pleased to offer:

Bearss Lemon- Bearss is sometimes referred to as Tahiti lemon or Persian lemon. This tree produces a large, juicy lemon with a few seeds. Cold hardy down to 20°F, but needs protection during frost (such as a frost cloth). When planted in the ground, this tree can mature in at over 10' tall, but they can be container grown and maintained at about 6 feet. Bearss Lemon typically starts producing lemons the second year after planting. This tree is self-fertile and does not need a cross pollinator to produce. Grafted on U-812 rootstock.
This season we have Bearss Lemon in five gallon pots for $80.00. Reserve yours online and pick up at our nursery when you're ready. Link to shop is here.

Meyer Lemon- Meyer lemons have a distinctive flavor that's often described as a cross between a lemon and an orange. Meyer lemons are not as acidic than traditional lemons, and have a thin, edible rind. Cold hardy down to 20°F, but needs protection during frost (such as a frost cloth). When planted in the ground, this tree can mature in at over 8-12' tall, but they can be container grown and maintained at about 6-10' tall. All of our Meyer lemons are blossoming and they are self-fertile. Grafted on Sour rootstock.
This season we have Meyer Lemon in seven gallon pots for $95.00, 15 gallon pots for $210 and 30 gallon pots for $325. Reserve yours online and pick up at our nursery when you're ready. Link to shop is here.

Key Lime- Famously known for their use in the classic Southern Key Lime Pie. Key Limes are zesty and tangy. Key Limes are best grown as patio (or container plants) in our area and need to be brought in or put in the greenhouse during periods of frost. Key Lime trees mature in at about 6' tall in a pot. The container you select should be able to accommodate at least 15-20 gallons of soil. Key Limes are self-fertile and do not need a pollinator. Grafted on Sour rootstock.
This season we have Key Lime in five gallon pots for $80.00. Reserve yours online and pick up at our nursery when you're ready. Link to shop is here.

Persian Lime- Sometimes referred to as Bearss or Tahiti lime. This is the type of lime that is commonly available at your local grocery store. It produces a nearly seedless fruit. Persian limes are best grown as patio (or container plants) in our area and need to be brought in or put in the greenhouse during periods of frost. Persian lime trees mature in at about 4-6' tall in a pot. The container you select should be able to accommodate at least 15 gallons of soil. Persian Limes are self-fertile and do not need a pollinator. Grafted on Sour rootstock.
This season we have Persian limes in seven gallon pots for $95 or 30 gallon pots for $325. Reserve yours online and pick up at our nursery when you're ready. Link to shop is here.

Lime Finger Giant- Sometimes called 'Citrus Caviar,' this tree produces hundreds of tasty little 'fingers' that taste like a combination between lemon, lime and grapefruit. Native to Australia. Cold hardy down to 20°F, but needs protection during frost (such as a frost cloth). When planted in the ground, this tree can mature in at 20' tall. Self fertile, but two trees will boost crop production. Grafted on Sour rootstock.
This season we have Key Lime in seven gallon pots for $95.00 or 30 gallon pots for $325. Reserve yours online and pick up at our nursery when you're ready. Link to shop is here.

Fantastic Avocado- This avocado is native to Texas and is considered one of the most cold-hardy avocado trees. This hardy tree is able to survive temperatures as low as 10° F for short periods. Fantastic Avocados are a medium to large fruit, ripening when they reach seven or eight ounces. Fantastic avocado trees can reach a mature size of about 25' tall, when planted in the ground. Fantastic Avocado is self fertile, so no cross pollinator is needed. If you are trying to cross pollinate a nearby avocado tree, Fantastic is type A.
This season we have Fantastic Avocado in seven gallon pots for $125.00 Reserve yours online and pick up at our nursery when you're ready. Link to shop is here.
Satsuma- If you only get one citrus tree this year, it has to be a satsuma. These are everyone's favorite. The fruit they produce is sweet, petite and juicy. The flavor is described as "honey-sweet" with minimal acidity. Satsumas can tolerate temperatures as low as 15° F when fully grown. Young satsuma trees and trees that haven't entered dormancy are usually only tolerant to 26° F. They are considered one of the most cold-tolerant citrus trees. When planted in the ground, this tree can mature in at 10-'15 tall. Self fertile, but two trees will boost crop production. Grafted on Sour rootstock.
This season we have Satsuma in seven gallon pots for $95.00 or 10 gallon pots for $165. Reserve yours online and pick up at our nursery when you're ready. Link to shop is here.
Navel Orange- Fruit is sweet, aromatic, and mildly acidic, with a balance of sweet, tart, and tangy flavors. Navel orange trees can tolerate temperatures down to 24° F, but prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures can damage the fruit and young trees are more susceptible to freezing. In the ground, Navel orange trees can reach 20-30' tall. Self fertile, but two trees are said to drastically boost crop production. Grafted on Sour rootstock.
Already sold out for the season. These went quickly guys, we're sorry! We'll try to reorder.
Dwarf Tangerine Clementine- Fruit is sweet, juicy, with a slightly tangy citrus flavor, and is known for its easy-to-peel skin; combines the best qualities of a tangerine and a clementine. Cold hardy down to 20°F, but should be brought in if temperatures fall below this level. Matures in the ground at up to 10' tall, can be kept smaller in a container with regular pruning. Self fertile, but two trees are said to drastically boost crop production. Grafted on Flying Dragon rootstock.
This season we have Dwarf Clementine in five gallon pots for $110.00. Reserve yours online and pick up at our nursery when you're ready. Link to shop is here.
US-812- This citrus rootstock is a hybrid of Sunki mandarin and Benecke trifoliate orange. It was developed by the USDA and has been commercially available since 2001.
US-812 is highly productive of good quality fruit on a moderate-sized tree. US-812 is tolerant or resistant to citrus tristeza virus (CTV) and citrus blight.
Sour Rootstock- The rootstock provides a strong root system that helps the citrus tree grow and produce fruit. The trifoliate orange rootstock is valued for its resistance to cold, tristeza virus, and root rot. It's also sometimes called a "semi-dwarfing" rootstock because it can slow down the overall size of the tree.
Flying Dragon Rootstock (used on Dwarf Varieties)- Flying Dragon rootstock is a mutant of the trifoliate orange tree. Flying Dragon rootstock is resistant to root and collar rot, citrus nematodes, and the tristeza virus The fruit grafted to Flying Dragon rootstock is excellent.